Harry Browne's soundbites use facts, humor, aphorisms, historical examples, thoughtful questions, apt metaphors, and logic to make their points. A must-read for any libertarian advocate!
Published by the Advocates for Self-Government
192 pages
Trade-size paperback
Put a master communicator's best shots at your fingertips! Liberty A-Z will make you an instantly memorable speaker -- making this book one of the most useful libertarian communication tools ever written. Order your copy today!
With Liberty A-Z, you can now put these soundbites to work for you -- in your conversations with friends, in letters to editors, in speeches, with the press, or on the campaign trail. In other words, anywhere you want to open minds. Or, you can use them as a brainstorming tool to create your own soundbites.
Harry's soundbites use facts, sly humor, aphorisms, historical examples, thoughtful questions, apt metaphors, and logic to make their points.
In this book, Harry covers just about every political topic imaginable: Affirmative Action, Balanced Budget, Campaign Finance, Defense, Education, Federal Spending, Gun Control, Health Care, Immigration, Jobs, Libertarianism, Morality, National Interest, Oil, Pornography, Quotas, Republicans, Social Security, Terrorism, Utopian Thinking, Victimless Crimes, Welfare, Young People, Zero (a Flat Tax Rate of) -- and hundreds of other issues. It's organized alphabetically by topic for quick and easy reference.
Now, in Liberty A-Z: 872 Libertarian Soundbites You Can Use Right Now, Harry shares his personal soundbite file with you!
It's no accident. In preparation for his campaigns, Harry crafted hundreds of "soundbites" -- short, powerful, thought-provoking, and highly quotable remarks. He then committed them to memory -- and used them again and again to convince listeners to embrace libertarian ideas.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian Party's 1996 and 2000 Presidential candidate, is universally recognized as one of the finest-ever libertarian communicators. And one of the most quotable.