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Healing Our World In an Age of Aggression - 3rd Edition

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Big government, Dr. Ruwart explains, exploits the poor and destroys the environment. She shows how liberty, on the other hand, promotes a more even distribution of wealth, prevents exploitation of the poor, and holds real answers for those concerned about overpopulation and the environment.

New Expanded Edition of "Healing Our World" by Dr. Mary Ruwart. 421 pages in a large paperback format. Mary Ruwart's acclaimed book Healing Our World has undergone extensive revisions and includes about 100 additional pages of exciting new material. Features a special foreword by libertarian Nobel Peace Prize nominees Frances Kendall and Leon Louw.

This is an outstanding, comprehensive examination of libertarian principles and ideas. It is clearly and convincingly written. It is chock-full of facts, figures and examples, and makes fine reading for novice and veteran libertarians alike. It has a special appeal to those who want to know if libertarianism is a political philosophy of compassion and concern for others. Too often libertarianism is falsely portrayed as a kind of selfish, greedy philosophy without serious answers to environmental problems, the needs of the poor, justice for the underprivileged, etc. This book sets that to rest. It puts an emphasis on presenting libertarianism as a practical political philosophy that is compassionate, humane, and compatible with the highest spiritual values.

This is written from a viewpoint that will have great appeal to that large group of concerned, compassionate "politically homeless" people who are seeking answers to the most urgent spiritual and social problems of our times -- and who haven't found those answers in liberalism or conservatism. This book welcomes them into the libertarian movement.

Big government, Dr. Ruwart explains, exploits the poor and destroys the environment. She shows how liberty, on the other hand, promotes a more even distribution of wealth, prevents exploitation of the poor, and holds real answers for those concerned about overpopulation and the environment. She covers the gamut of political issues. And issue by issue, she shows how liberty answers the most pressing concerns of compassionate liberals and conservatives -- without the tyranny of oppressive government.

As GOP Congressman (and 1988 Libertarian Presidential Candidate) Ron Paul says: "Through its win-win approach, Healing Our World bridges the gap between liberals, Christians and New Agers, special interests and the common good..."

As the Illinois Libertarian Newsletter said: "It speaks to the heart, to our common sense, to the basic morality that we were all taught as children."

As the South Bend Tribune said: "The author combines libertarianism with Western and Eastern spirituality.... examines health care, the rain forests, prisons, unemployment... she challenges the reader to see those things outside of custom, in spiritual clarity."

Some of the new additions to this already-famous book include:
--The shocking link between the 9-11 terrorist attacks and Pearl Harbor
--Compelling evidence that at least 80% of new drug costs are due to excess FDA regulation
--Data explaining why the distribution of wealth is more equal in countries with a history of liberty
--How property rights are rescuing the rain-forests and the Third World poor (even the World Bank agrees!)
--How one industrialized nation lowers its crime rates through restitution
--How "right to carry" laws decrease violent crime 30-80%
And much, much, more!