Poetry about economics?!? You’ll be surprised — and delighted! The author of the Concise Guide to Economics becomes even more concise in this book of haiku filled with insights about free-market economics. Left and right, yin and yang, East and West, all meet in this charming and utterly unique volume. A great conversation starter — and makes a great gift!
From Jim Cox, author of The Concise Guide to Economics and Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage.
Left and right, yin and yang, East and West all meet, in this charming and utterly unique volume. Enjoy!
…and much more!" The surprising relationship between Wall Street and Washington" What "creative destruction" is-and why it's a good thing " Who encouraged the government to run huge deficits" What aerial bombardment and rent control have in common" The economic experiment that saved the Pilgrims
Whether you're already familiar with free-market economics or the concepts are brand new to you, The Haiku Economist will entertain, inform, and delight you. Among the nuggets you will learn:
Haiku is a Japanese poetic form that presents ideas and images in a succinct 17 syllables. Can profound economic principles be presented in such a tiny package? This book answers with a resounding "Yes!"
This little book packs a big punch: 101 short poems, each loaded with insight and food for thought.
Economic wisdom-in just 17 syllables!
- from the introduction by Forbes.com columnist Art Carden"A valuable contribution to economic literacy… we'll have a better world for it."